What are the method to content optimization?

Some east methods for content optimization:

1. Accurate Page Titles:

Title tags still remain as one of the most important ranking factors when it comes to on-site SEO, based on many experts’ experience. Using your target keywords in the content’s page title can help improve its search rankings.

2. Use LSI keywords within the content:

LSI or latent semantic indexing is a process being used by search engines to identify patterns in the relationships between terms and concepts contained in an unstructured collection of text (as defined by Wikipedia). Basically, this process allows search engines to evaluate the context and relevance of content to a search query based on the related terms being contained by a particular content.

3. Authorship Markup

Soon enough, Google may start implementing AuthorRank into their list of ranking factors (or maybe they are already using it) in measuring if a page is worth being prominently displayed on their search results. That’s why building a strong author profile using Google+ is deemed necessary these days to prepare your strategy for future game-changing events.

4. Length of Content:

It’s undeniable that longer and in-depth documents are ranking very well on search results. Make your content more comprehensive than what your competitors are offering to push your rankings above them.
Thought it is also important to ensure that the quality of information within the content will not be over-saturated or be out of substance for trying too hard to lengthen it. 800+ words will do.