What are the latest on page optimization techniques in 2016?


Website is a powerful tool to show case your product and services. From small business to giant companies focusing to improve their business online because Internet has created lot of space to get more customers. In this process search engine optimization is a best way to get good rank and to compete your competitors. On page seo can be done within the website to boost internal power of your website.

What are the latest on page optimization techniques in 2016?
Very Good information....
in my opinion the These are the few things that you need to remember when you are doing On Page SEO-
1. Canonicalize Internal Duplicates
2. Write Unique TITLE Tags
3. Write Unique META Descriptions
4. Shorten Your TITLE Tags
5. Re-order Your TITLE Tags
6. Add Direct Product Links
7. Re-write Internal Anchor Text
8. Remove 10 Low-Value Links.
On page seo refers to the process that is followed on the website itself. Some of the tasks involved are:

Keyword research
Meta tags and title
Meta description
Robots.txt file
Sitemap generation
Content development
Image optimization