What are the key aspect of Panda?

Publishing content just for the heck of traffic is not a good idea. This is the main reason why Google made the update – because a lot of sites take a lot of content just for them to attract more visitors from the search engines to go to their site and give some impressions and clicks to the ads.
Build quality content Google Panda avoid :
The construction of a high-quality website will always meet the demand for people search . A high quality website can keep the time on the site of the visitor by the real value to users. With many sites this is the most difficult, however, specify what is needed for the article , you will have a clearer view of the content .
Google Panda is a change to Google's search results ranking algorithm that was first released in February 2011. The change aimed to lower the rank of "low-quality sites" or "thin sites", and return higher-quality sites near the top of the search results.