What are the Essential needs to build a Dynamic Website?

I realise that programming/web building isn't exactly linear as it requires you to solve problems, but it would be greatly appreciated if you guys could give me an estimate of the minimum time required (assuming a one man army effort).

If your website is related to news, online product selling etc. then you need to create dynamic website.

In short if your website need regularly changes and you need to update it regularly then you should make dynamic website as dynamic website save your time and money as well.

In general, it is the Bootstrap option, cross browser compatibility, SEO-optimized and being based on a user-friendly CMS. CMS depends on what website you are going to have.
1. Get your brain around what kinds of tools and processes will accomplish your goals
2. Choose your software development tools
3. In the course of resolving these questions, we inevitably have to examine the basic models or patterns of developing projects of the nature we desire to turn out
4. No matter your choice of programming tools, there is no way to avoid dependence upon a reasonable mastery of HTML and CSS