What Are Legitimate Ways Of Getting Quality Backlinks


New member
Due to Google changes i am very afraid of getting backlinks even from legitimate ways because i am not sure that what is legitimate in Google mind and what is not legitimate. Please guide of safe ways i must be using for getting back-links and promote website.
Having quality content that people will naturally want to link back to is the best way to get quality backlinks. A high authority website isn't going to link to a website designed mainly for adsense clicks. If you have material and content offered on your website that is worth sharing, people will share it. There is money to be made in junk websites optimized just for making money, but there is no potential to grow it and no one is going to share it. So my best advice would be to disregard these micro niche adsense type of web development and focus on building a high quality site with high quality content. If it's good it will grow in popularity and people will link back to it.
There are multiple sources you can get 'Quality' backlinks from, let me share a few...

1) Blog commenting
Make sure the page you are going to leave your link on, is not full of spam, you will get to know that by checking the no# of outbound links. Also, check the pagerank and authority of this page. There is no point leaving your link on a page with no link juice and or authority.

2) Blog Posts
Compare a list of blogs in the same niche you are in, and offer them blog posts. Generally, you will get accepted. If not, you need to double check your content. Keep in mind, nobody needs bogus content. Give them something useful, and they will publish it.

You know what? I have a long list of such methods, and I would rather create a new thread instead of increasing the length of this post. Hope this helps.
I struggle with this too. I've had some success with emailing blog authors and asking them for links, but most will ignore you.
Forum posting is also a great source for backlinks. Don't be afraid to get backlinks on new sites. It won't hurt your rankings, unless that site is penalized by Google.
After Panda and Penguin Quality and Unique content is the best method to promote your like guest posting, Blogging etc..
If you are looking to get quality backlinks, try the following:

1. Ask if you can guest post on the blogs of others -- only if the blog is related to your niche, however. It's also best if the site gets a decent amount of traffic and has a decent pagerank itself.

2. Post articles on sites like Ezines, then link to your website. Make sure that these articles are interesting, informative, unique, etc.

3. You can build mini-sites or mini-blogs around the Web to use as backlinks.

4. Use forum posting to your advantage. Not only will good forums sometimes serve as great backlinks, but they can also provide you with more natural traffic as well, especially if your posts are interesting and helpful.

5. Ask if you can trade links with other sites and blogs that you like. Make sure that these sites aren't penalized by Google for anything.

6. Leave comments on blogs. Be careful with this, however, because a lot of people have used this as a method of spam. Don't spam; instead, leave helpful, relevant comments on blog posts that you actually like.
Google always recommends to go the quality way, where people will link to your site because of the uniqueness of the same or quality of the content. They are devaluing the link value of many link building activities considered as best working in earlier days- like Article submission, guest blogging, PR writing, blog commenting etc. The core now lies in creating high quality content.