What are 404 errors?

The 404 Error Page, known as "page not found," is an HTTP standardized status code that indicates an established connection with the server but an inability to find the page in question. Excessive 404 errors negatively impact a website's SEO and are lost revenue opportunities when the user does not ultimately navigate to the website.
The 404 Error Page, known as "page not found," is an HTTP standardized status code that indicates an established connection with the server but an inability to find the page in question. Excessive 404 errors negatively impact a website's SEO and are lost revenue opportunities when the user does not ultimately navigate to the website.
These are pages that no longer existed. Sample, those expired sites, deleted pages, changed urls, or transferred pages (to a new url). Just simply ignore them, or de index them from Google.
The HTTP 404, 404 Not Found and 404 (pronounced "four oh four") error message is a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) standard response code, in computer network communications, to indicate that the client was able to communicate with a given server, but the server could not find what was requested.
The 404 Error Page, known as "page not found," is an HTTP standardized status code that indicates an established connection with the server but an inability to find the page in question.