Website Popunder Ads


New member
I have always been looking to explore Popunder Ads drive traffic to my websites and now i found this service which is sending 1 million hits per day to my website in no time. I would suggest my forums friends to try this out, has been excellent from conversions and alexa boost prospect Popunder Ads

If you looking for test buy add me on skype: anshul.mahajan1184
i found this service which is sending 1 million hits per day to my website in no time.

Is this some type of scam or is it genuine? I million hits per day! Can you tell us which website you are supporting that is getting 1 million hits per day from this great link of yours?
This is funny what would I do with fake 1 million hits? Of course, it could help do some boosting here and there but who are my deceiving with my fake hits? Moreover, not everyone is prepared for such yet, since their site is still small, they really don't have that much hosting capacity to withstand such hits on a daily basis or weekly basis.

Nevertheless, 1 million hits isn't really that huge to get in a day for most people that paid for good servers. However, if the 1 million hits came at once it could be disastrous.
This sounds like an exchange program and I will always advise people to steer well clear of pop ads of any kind, despite the promises most pop under ads do pop up in front of the page you are looking at, at least this is my experience, and I seriously have my doubts that these hits would be genuine.