Website optimisation


New member
Google analytics data capture to set bar.
Google analytics has already been installed the Meyers website there with access to the account a starting point can be set to measure website traffic and thus marketing effectiveness.
Keyword research.
We propose doing extensive keyword research to see what consumers that are your target market are really searching. We can effectively measure the search volumes of these keywords and the conversion rates tied to them.
Website Layout / Design
A big reason for the Meyers low ranking on Google is due to a lack of content on the website.
The structure of the website should be designed in such a manner that it would allow for more information to be presented regarding the above mentioned keywords especially on the home page. Restructuring of the heading tags , h2 tags , meta title and description all need to be optimised in addition to image name and alt tags, to produce a more relevant higher ranking site.
The internal linking structure is also of importance to google. The href tags that “page a” uses to link “page b” assists in telling google what page b is about once again increasing query relevancy.
Other factors for ranking consideration revolve around metrics such as site speed, mobile usability and page dwell time of users. We would aim to improve all these metrics with an improved design and subsequently increase rankings.
This combined with monitoring of google analytics to will provide a huge amount of data useful to your other marketing departments while allowing us to identify weak points and thus further work develop stronger user metrics.
Paid advertising is a way to bid for a position on the first page of search results. AdWords is a very sophisticated tool that will allow the targeting of specific demographics such as , age, location, gender, income, interests and many more.
With the fore mentioned keyword research we would know what keywords to initially bid on. When enough data is gathered an analysis can be done to identify demographics or keywords that do not perform well the bid for those can be decreased of stopped completely while increasing the bid for demographic or keywords that show good conversion rates.
Google AdWords allows for various portfolio bid strategies that offers its advantages and disadvantages based on your goals we would choose the best suited.
The amount that you need to bid for a keyword depends on a few factors namely competitor bids, and quality score. Quality score is determined by three factors page relevancy (This is why we need to implement on page seo ), ad relevancy and projected click through rates.
A higher quality score will allow you to bid lower for higher positions. By eliminating non performing demographics and keywords with time your projected click through rate will also increase and further lower your cpa ( cost per acquisition.)
To eliminate unnecessary spend we look at data and determine negative keywords.
A example would be if you bid on the keywords phrase match “car hire” you may show up for “car hire jobs” jobs would thus be set as a negative keywords as it is not a purchase intent query.

This is a basic overview of what we propose to not only measurably increase your website traffic but bring more relevant users with the purchase intent to your website.

New Perspective Design will setup and run ad campaigns for you for a monthly fee.
This would involve analysing data weekly and making adjustments within AdWords as mentioned.
Controlling budget spend while maximising conversions through our experience within the industry