Website Not Ranked in Google


New member
Hi there!

I have a website which has not been ranked in Google for almost 4 months.

1. What would be the reason for not ranked in Google Results?

2. While checking the Indexed status using site: I have seen a unusual title in the result for home page, Where "Lingopath:" is included in the title of home page in search results but actually not(This way was told that for a branded site Google will include the Brand name in title of the websites in search results few months ago). How this could be happened? When my site is yet to be ranked in Google?

3. Whether my site is in sandbox or blocked by Google algorithm to not to visible in Google search results?

Please, webmasters solve the issues with your experience!!

Awaiting for your answers

Thanks in advance.....
That's unusual. A site normally gets indexed within a week. Have you submitted the sitemap yet? Is it a blogger's blog or self-hosted Wordpress blog? Please provide me with an answer so that I can help you out.