Website Images Copyright Issue


New member
We just developed our new website and we outsourced this design work to an individual. Now the final design which has attracted us looks very good and neat but before we launch the website we need to make sure that the images that have been use on this design can be used on our website or not. We have posed this question to the designer too but he is telling that the images are proper and we do not need to worry about this issue but how can we make sure that the images can be used or not.
The designer just said that they are but he is unable to show us any proof. So can any body tell me how can we make sure that we are not doing any thing against the copyright law. Any suggestions by designers is welcome.
Outsourcing is not an excuse of violating any copyrights. You must ask your designer that you will need proofs definitely. Before you hand over work to him you can sign a contract which must state that the work be original and not pirated or whatsoever. If the designer still does not agree to show the proofs i would recommend you look for another designer because it can be a problems for you down the road and not for him.