Website architecture SEO optimization solution skills


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  Website architecture SEO optimization solution skills

  The search engine optimization work is divided into the station, the station, we all know the station, or the outside or if it is not good, SEO work will not be able to carry on.

  We know that search engines are software programs that have both strengths and weaknesses.

  As SEO, operating throughout the site must be adjusted of the compact structure, the entire site for search engine spiders are more likely to grab, decrease the difficulty of the search engine‘s work if we can do this, then we almost a big step away from SEO success.

  So stand inside optimization system sometimes is not so simple, we want to make a few times with respect to OK, we will according to the search engine spiders habit structure optimization of the whole site, this article we focus to talk about station optimization.

  First, establish a friendly link structure.

  1.Javascript scripting links.

  Flash and other links.

  Links to PowerPoint and PDF files.

  4. Links to robots.txt.

  5. Link to frame structure.

  6. Links to pictures.

  Second, good information architecture, as well as flat - structured web sites.

  Create the best information architecture.

  2. Flat structure or deep structure.

  Thirdly, ULR is static and normalized.

  Static the ULR, a lot of people already know, not too wordy and introduction, there is a big article online everywhere and instructions illustrated here is simple and the key to explain the secondary column URL optimization and standardization, the following simple induction time.

  1. The URL is as short as possible.

  2. The URL is as static as possible.

  3. If the URL is too long in Chinese, English can be used.

  Fourth, site 3 element setting.

  If you have read the book “the art of SEO, you should know, when the 72 a famous SEO experts at the time of voting ranking algorithm is the most important, agree that the title is the most important factors influencing the rankings, so the title expression is very important, we have to focus on that.

  Put your keywords on the title tag.

  2. Selection of keywords.

  3. Description of the description.

  A good site architecture, can undertake SEO ranking, we should not only let users are interested in our website, we also need to let the search engine spiders are interested in, only to search engine spiders are interested in, can often come to visit our site, to our website, so that our website can increase exposure.