website analytics

Using alexa, ahref and SEMRush you can check the instant traffic of your website daily. These tools could help you to keep a view on the daily visitors number of your website and could help you to locate the ups and downs of your visitors number easily.
Hi vishitsingh,
Can you tell me, How alexa works? What its advance features which can help me? I also heard about Gostats. Can you suggest me something about it. provide website visitor counter and free hit counters for tracking visitors online along with articles related to technology and graphic design. A reliable and free web hit counter with custom counter colors. No Email Required, No Registration, 100% Free! provide website visitor counter and free hit counters for tracking visitors online along with articles related to technology and graphic design. A reliable and free web hit counter with custom counter colors. No Email Required, No Registration, 100% Free!

How it works? How it generate reports? Can you explain me in details.
If you are looking for analytics then I will suggest you Gostats. I use it & found that it gives much accurate data as compared to other tools like GA. Also it is easy to install & you can see stats in a real time.
GA is one of the best free tool you can use for monitoring. Bounce rate though will depend on your site and its visitors.
Google analytics sometime shows high bounce rate, probably because it counts unique visitors as a bounce rate. I was facing this problem recently then I uninstall its setup.
Why don't you try Gostats, it counts accurate hits of a website & show you stats in a real time. It shows you report about daily visitors in a more appropriate format. Also measure your website performance by which you can easily understand strength & weakness of your website.
The best tool for checking the complete functioning of your website is Google analytic. This tool will help you to check how much visitors are coming to your website, page views and what is the status of your website on a daily basis. It is the product of Google and it provides most appropriate result than any other tool in SEO.