Webmaster Tools Showing Problems With Crawling Website


New member
Now i would like to hear from any body who had this problem before. This website have been added in my google webmaster tools and while browsing different details of the websites the webmaster tools was showing it had some problems with crawling the website on specific dates. The site is up and have never gone down and i know this because i have installed a monitoring software which emails me even if the website is offline for a minute. I have not got any email which means the website was in fact never down. A couple of times i have neglected this but this error keeps on coming date wise and i now do not know what can i do about this.
Have tried doing many thing like checked robots.txt but end up finding no problems with this file. Now what can cause the problem of search engine crawling this website. The website is fast and loads very quickly which shows that there are no server issues. Also there is a option of submit a URL in webmaster tools and that option is Fetch as Google and i have tried that too and it also worked well. Any suggestions please on what can be the problem and how to rectify this.