web design feed back


New member
Hello there,

Hi to all please visit my new web site design and give your valuable feedback to make it more user friendly.

Very nice job! Overall I thought the site was modern, professional and clearly organized. The color scheme is solid, and the hexagonal and ribbon like elements are in line with many current design trends.

A few things you may want to refine/tweak some more based on what I saw so far:

- Perhaps consider using some more intuitive icons in the upper right corner and/or adding some descriptive text near them. In particular the 2nd and 3rd icons didn't make much sense to me - one was just a bunch of layers, and another, the gear icon, is more often used to "settings" type sections, not an "about us" section.

- I noticed the site is also responsive, but when I preview the site at a narrow browser window, the menu items are out of line, some are centered and others are aligned to the sides.

- On the Contact Form, I had a similar issue, only it was happening even at full screen - the form fields are all out of line.

I am on a Windows 7 machine and previewing the site in the latest version of Chrome.
Your design work is awesome and you did a great job. I think you use all your experience for design the site. Just finish my one site I don't know hows others looks and what are the changes I have to do. Need your opinions guys What should I change and hows it looks???

Site :: soul-spotter.com