Viral Marketing


New member
Viral Marketing means to the rapid adoption of the product or service and propagates itself as the way Viruses do.
It can be done through any technique such as Email Marketing, SMS marketing and Words of mouth etc.
Marketing phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message.

Viral marketing depends on a high pass-along rate from person to person. If a large percentage of recipients forward something to a large number of friends, the overall growth snowballs very quickly. If the pass-along numbers get too low, the overall growth quickly fizzles.
Viral marketing is otherwise termed as Social media marketing or online marketing. Passing one message from one user to another and that will spread to many others socially and this can be forward virally.. This method is very much useful for online marketers.
I also like some offline marketing methods like using promo items. For example, I use Custom Lapel Pins for this puropse. Maybe you will find this thought interesting to you, think about it, guys :)