UK/EU Cookie Law: Wordpress Plugin


New member
For those of you in the EU who run a Wordpress blog and have not incorporated the option to make people aware of cookies on your site then you are in fact breaking the law. The UK have given a 'free year' before they take action, but this expires in May.

In order to incorporate the requirements for this law just install on your Wordpress blog the free plugin WP Cookie Law, this is all you need. :)
Good to know that you have discussed it here as i have a friend with a WordPress blog and the last time i visited his site i did not noticed that he informed his visitors about this EU and UK cookie law. I will inform him ASAP so that his website can be according to law.
What I personally prefer to use is Cookie Control. Its clean and friendly to the visitor and should meet the criteria of the EU Cookie Law just fine. It allows the visitor to turn cookies on or off with a single click, or you could just notify them that you're using cookies on your website. There's a WordPress plug-in for it, so you might want to check it out.
I've heard a little bit about this law, but I'm not familiar with all of the specifics around it. I think the main thing that concerns me is that how could a webmaster possibly keep track of how all the different services they use on their site. If you've got multiple cookies on your site for conversion tracking services from multiple companies you work with, how can they expect a site owner to consolidate all of that down to one message and keep it updated constantly? Many of these cookies people are using will also piggy back cookies from other services too, particularly with display advertising - and the site owners might not even be aware of this.
How does it affect sites located in the U.S. that also get traffic from the U.K.?

Are U.S. sites required to display the cookie message to U.K. visitors too?

I also see a problem where hackers will use fake cookie warnings to get people to click and download viruses, do you see that being a problem?
Quite possibly the stupidest law ever created in the IT field (with the possible exception of the US's "CAN SPAM" rubbish). This new directive achieves absolutely nothing except creating a lot of pointless paperwork and potential trouble. How do they intend to enforce it? How do you apply it when the site's a, is hosted in Tibet and owned by someone in Hawaii? Since you can use implied consent, why even bother? Pointless and stupid. They'd be better off spending all this time, effort and money on something useful.

I think I'll apply for a government grant to do research into how many man-hours are going to be lost over the coming years because every single person visiting every single website they use for work has to read a message and click an "OK" button. Billions of seconds every day. Awesome.

But thanks for the plugin pointer. :)
For those of you in the EU who run a Wordpress blog and have not incorporated the option to make people aware of cookies on your site then you are in fact breaking the law. The UK have given a 'free year' before they take action, but this expires in May.

In order to incorporate the requirements for this law just install on your Wordpress blog the free plugin WP Cookie Law, this is all you need. :)

I have blog running on a UK-based hosting service, and I am using the cookie related plugin on it. Although I get traffic from all over the world, I use the plugin because my UK readers will need it.

It is always better to obey the rules of the land from where your visitors come to your site. That also creates a lot of trust in their minds, which is invaluable IMO.
This law is so dumb, aslong as your not stuffing the cookie with affiliate links or bad things, then it's standard for all websites to use cookies.