Turning vector graphics into an animation on YouTube?


New member
I have a series of vector illustrations that I'd like to turn into an animation. In the past I would have made an animated gif out of them, but ultimately I want to use this in a YouTube video, so I'm sure I need a different process. What's the best way to go about this?
I know that you can use Illustrator vector graphic images in After Effects and produce great animations that you can upload to Youtube. I am sorry, that I have never tried to do so. Please use Google search to find relevant tutorials on the internet.
If it is a vector image, I'd suggest using Flash. The newer versions of Adobe products make it a lot easier to import and export vector images and if you are making them with Adobe Illustrator then you shouldn't have much trouble with this. Just export it to Flash and animate it there then export it as a video then upload it to Youtube. Hope this helps!
On the off chance that it is a vector picture, I'd recommend utilizing Flash. The more up to date forms of Adobe items make it significantly simpler to import and fare vector pictures and in the event that you are making them with Adobe Illustrator, you shouldn't experience much difficulty with this. Simply send out it to Flash and enliven it there then fare it as a video at that point transfer it to Youtube. Expectation this makes a difference!
If it is a vector picture, I 'd recommend using Flash. The newer variations of Adobe items make it a whole lot much easier to import and also export vector pictures as well as if you are making them with Adobe Illustrator then you shouldn't have much trouble with this. Simply export it to Blink and stimulate it there after that export it as a video then publish it to Youtube. Hope this assists!