Top 5 reasons why your website is still lacking better online ranking


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Every next year brings considerable changes and advancements in the area of online marketing. It is absolutely true that the field of internet marketing has been in continuous transformation since decades where several key elements get influenced by the changing trends and preferences of top search engines. Let us get to know the top 5 reasons that might be influencing your current search engine rankings.

Is your website fast enough to browse and compatible with mobile platforms?
It has indeed become one of the biggest question and rising concern for the entire industry of search engine optimization and the experts involved within. Now search engines more specifically, Google prioritizes those websites that are faster when it comes to accessing them over the internet and addresses complete friendliness to the mobile platforms in majority.

How well is your website addressing the changing preferences of content marketing?
Content is considered to be the epicenter of successful online branding and search engine optimization said an expert team from an SEO company in Singapore. Now content marketers have increased paying attention to their existing content and making the most out of their viral posts by updating them with the latest facts and information that can be helpful under the same title for the current year.

Are you trying to be more precise when it comes to link building?
Link building is always good when it is done correctly and it is also a fact that it won’t lose its significance till we are living in a digital world where sharing is the epicenter of marketing and promotion for online businesses. Try to be less aggressive and more quality centric.

Have you adapted to the latest norms of content development?
Internet marketers now stress more upon the trending notions of content development that pleases the dynamic preferences of search engines. Experts from a SEO companies California suggest that making use of long-tail keywords has been considered to be the best approach that enables to narrow down audience targeting to a specific set of target audience while improving the chances of making content more helpful and easy to be found in the search engine results.
Top 5 Reason of lacking good website ranking on SERP:

1. Slow speeds. If your site’s slow to load, your users will get frustrated. Many, many factors affect hosting speeds, so this is quite a tricky problem to assess and troubleshoot. Use a caching plugin or a CDN right away. You could also move your site to a data center closer to your most frequent visitors: that’s a little more involved

2. Spun content. Spinning is content theft. It could land you in hot water if the Google penalty doesn’t catch up with you first. Bought some super-cheap articles? Sometimes content is spun by the ‘writer’, so you may not even know about it. If the price was too good to be true, that’s a sign you may have bought spun articles.

3. Speedy link building. It’s natural to want your new site to rank quickly. Don’t overdo it. Lots of similar links pointing to the same place is a sign of automation. Don’t artificially bump your link velocity: make gradual changes over time.

4. Robots.txt flaws. The robots.txt file should be used to tell search engines how to deal with your site. While there are legitimate reasons for excluding pages from robots.txt, do it sparingly: excessive blocking could be the cause of your penalty.

5. Too many outbound links. When linking to other websites, keep it natural. A high quantity of links is a sign that you’re swapping links with people for the sake of mutual SEO benefit.