To dofollow or nofollow Category pages


New member
Hello friends,
Greetings to all.. I'm new here and this is my first post..

Well, I've 2 questions.. I've a PR-2 sports blog on blogger platform.


I read somewhere on net that you leak PR juice, if you let all your non-prominent pages like category/archive/static pages to be dofollow.. (Many people have strongly emphasized on this)

However, Matt Cutts in a post of his advocates to leave the dofollow attribute intact to all Category pages and let the link juice flow freely across your own blog/site and it does not do a great harm to you..

I would like to know, which school of thought is valid and why..


Is a link exchange with higher ranked websites in similar niche beneficial? Does it cancel out any SEO benefits? Is it OK to maintain a blogroll of about 20 sites in the same niche thro' link exchange

I desperatly look for answers to these 2 questions and fully appreciate any help from learned members of this forum..
