Title tag vs H1?

Both is important, without title tag our website doesnot crawl by google crawler and we use H1 tag to highlight our keyword.
Both are most important for webpage and also for seo reason .
OK, Title tag, no problem, it's the SEO juice, appears on SERP, etc. Got it.

But I'm reading up on H1 and getting conflicting bits of information ...

Only use H1 once?
H1 is crucial for SERP
Use H1s for subheads
Google almost never looks past H2 for relevance
So say I've got a blog post with three sections ... do I use H1 three times (or does Google think you're playing them.Or do I create a "big" H1 subhead and then use H2s? Or just use all H2s because H1s are scary?I frequently use subheads, it would seem weird to me to have one a font size bigger than another, but of course I can adjust that in settings .