time to check email


New member
Living in the information age means we have access to information at any time. EMails have become one of if not thee most popular form of e-communication, so what time of the day do your first check your emails?
I usually check my e-mails when my phone notifies me, which it can happen throughout the day. I don't have a specific time to check my e-mails, however, I usually check them every half hour or so.
When at work I have work and personal emails open all day, but when I'm at home I check my personal email maybe twice a day. I don't check work email as it's nice to have a break from it.
When i don't have school I check my emails straight away in the morning. If I do have school I check them at around 5pm. Emails aren't a big thing for me though as I check all of the individual websites which would be emailing me sometimes during the day anyway.
I check my email hourly during the daytime. The reason for these is because I work as a freelance writer and I must keep in touch with clients. Also some of them would send updates of their work to my email and I have to respond promptly. In addition, I have to chat and get updated from friends from all over the world.
Smart phones are made life really easy which makes me online 24x7. So I can check my mails whenever possible without being time constraint
I check my emails the as soon as I log online and then I leave my email client open so that I don't have to keep checking, I just get alerted when new ones come in. This way I don't miss out on anything important, like advertising inquiries. :)
The moment i enter my office I check my email. If I am at home emails is the first thing I check when I use internet. Once I start my day I keep checking it occasionally.
It is very good to check your E mails on time. As a result, You find the best information about the world. Because mails are having lot of info.
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