The structure of the site has been optimized to make it more reasonable


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  The structure of the site has been optimized to make it more reasonable

  Reasonable site columns structure, can correctly express website the level of the relationship between the basic content and the content, standing in the user‘s point of view, makes the users browse the web can easily access to information, not lost.

  There are two aspects to optimizing the structure of a website. One is the physical structure and the other is the logical structure.

  To sum up, reasonable website column structure is mainly manifested in the following aspects:

  1. Through the homepage, you can reach the homepage of any first-class column, the homepage of the second column and the final content page;

  2. You can return to the first column page through any web page, and return to the homepage step by step;

  3. Clear and unified main columns;

  4. Through any web page, you can enter the homepage of any first-class column.

  General site structure is best tree structure, it is recommended that the link layer is less than 3 layers, so that the user experience is good, and conducive to spider crawling, too deep spiders, baidu will let the spider out website directly, as I have lost, contents must be a lot less.

  The content is as literal as possible, and if you have to use images or Flash to add a label to the text, it is recommended not to use a form that is difficult to identify with the mainstream search engine.

  Website structure optimization

  1. Establish a website map.

  Whenever possible, it is best to build a complete sitemap for your site.

  At the same time, the link of the website map is placed on the homepage, so that the search engine can easily find and grab all the information of the webpage.

  2. Each page can reach the homepage at most four times.

  3. The navigation system of the website is better to use text links.

  4. The link text in the navigation of the website should accurately describe the contents of the column.

  5. PR transfer and flow of the whole station.

  6. Links to web pages.

  An optimization method

  Generally speaking, not recommended to all the files are stored in the root directory, the best was established by the column content subdirectory, meaning and try to use the directory name, such as image, CSS, js, post, BBS and so on, but be careful not to use Chinese name, especially for English SEO optimization should not use more Chinese directory, directory name also shoulds not be too long redundant, URL should be as short as possible.

  The directory structure is not too deep, level 3 is enough.

  And all links should be able to link back to each other, allowing the search engine to grab a single page and then crawl all the pages of the site along the page.

  Note, if the site adjustment, web directory structure change, web page be moved to a new address when change the page directory structure, we should pay attention to avoid websites appear death chain, chain, chain problems such as wrong.

  Optimization of reason

  1) user experience

  Users who visit a site must be able to click on the link without thinking and find the information they want.

  This depends on good navigation systems, timely internal links, and accurate anchor text.

  2) included

  The inclusion of web pages relies heavily on good site structure.

  A clear tree structure helps the search engine spider crawl.

  3) weight distribution

  In addition to external links that can bring weight to internal pages, the structure and link relationship of the website is an important factor in the weight distribution of internal pages.

  Which pages have a high ranking ability depends on the weight of the page.

  4) anchor text

  Anchor text is an important part of ranking algorithm.

  The anchor text inside the site is controlled by the webmaster itself, so it is one of the most important ways to increase the relevance of keywords.