The future of graphic designers ?


New member
I see more and more that graphic designers and no longer just that, they are web developers and many have taught themselves about marketing is this a result of print media falling away? speciaty print houses that use to be breeding places for graphic designers are now becoming less and less as all media is going digital , so this means no more hands on guidance from a officiated and mediated source. Anybody with a computer and paint and a internet connection can be a graphic designer today. I feel sorry for those that actually went to college for degrees in this field as i feel it is oversaturated by ( yes some talented people ) whom have never studied.
With the equal opportunities for all the future of graphic designers will therefore now depend on how well these designers visualise and apply their creativity in designing. the creativity will now be the core of graphic designing and not just the knowledge of a few designing tools.
Well here in lies the problem, many graphic designers study and some are blessed with a natural tealent for creativity, in all cases the general population cannot see the difference between a well designed piece and a auto generated lets say logo. I dont think how good you are matters, i think if you are working with somebody and their company brand is excelling visualy because of what you have done as a designer from a marketing point of view you may get some recognition, even so there will be place for very few.
The future of visuals design is going to rise to new heights by being integrated with increased fact as well as ultimately, 3D printing.

Increased reality, as well as virtual reality experiences, allow people to get in the experience whether it's for recreational, educational or job-related objectives. Designers will certainly be in charge of producing those globes for individuals to sign up with. Likewise, augmented fact will additionally allow designers to unchain themselves from their workdesks and design on the go or integrate more real-world elements.

3D printing will certainly force developers to stay upgraded on industry patterns and also relocate faster. As this modern technology appears to the masses, the demand for quality layouts will be greater, however people will certainly anticipate them faster.
#d printing is a intresting aspect that you are bringing into the conversation regarding graphic design. It may be true, i have not rreaf too much on it to have a conversation about it however. I think that graphic design will split in two major areas those that market themselves as authentic creative design artists. Then those who apply very strong marketing to what they do clever advertising such as in well designed digital media posts for social media.

There will always be the elements of product design such as packaging as well.

What we may see with all these tools making anybody a designer really is a drop in quality in the general graphic design and branding of companies. however those that use "talented designers" will have far superior looking and selling products and other companies will quickly realise that thats where they need to go. The mid and lower tier of graphic design that bar is going to drop, i think iits crucial to not drop with them as it is a great time to showcase how you are very different from the rest and as we all want deserve a better pay for your work. :)
For the past decade, freelancing websites like Fiverr and crowdsourcing sites like 99designs have caused massive disruption in the graphic design industry. Some of the changes have been good – it’s easier than ever to find a graphic designer, especially for small businesses, it’s easy to break into the industry, just make an account, and of course Google has made it easier than ever to learn how to design.