The fastest ways to design Infographic?

As per wikipedia we can know the definition that Information graphic design is a graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly.
Infographics abound in almost any public environment -- traffic signs, subway maps, tag clouds, musical scores and weather charts are just a few examples, among a huge number of possibilities.
It is getting more popularity and demand to simplicity and clear analysis.
You can use the below free tools to create an infographic fast and easily:
1. Canva Infographic Maker
2. Vizualize
3. Google Developers
5. Piktochart
Use Piktochart because it's easy to use and if you know how to use Photoshop and Illustrator then no toll no app is better than them.
i usually go with online infographics design tools where i can make good info graphics for my subjects without any barriers free of cost. you can try it once its very easy.
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