The Complete Guide To Nicotine Salt E-Liquids


The Complete Guide To Nicotine Salt E-Liquids
The vaping industry has a well-earned reputation for innovation and creativity. Rebuildable pods, advances in battery life and — yes, we’re not joking — smart mods with Bluetooth and voice command, are just some of the advances embraced by consumers over recent years. But the biggest vaping game-changer of late is the creation of nic salt e-liquids, also known as nicotine salt.

If you vape, you’ve probably heard about them. These e-liquids, initially developed by Juul for use in their low wattage closed pod devices, have moved into the mainstream and, it's fair to say, they’re taking over the juice market. If you are curious about why this form of juice has come along to capture the hearts and minds of vapers worldwide, then this article has got your back.

What Are Nic Salts?
Nic salts are the form of nicotine found in the leaves of tobacco plants. But first things first, let’s clear up any misconceptions. People read the word salt, and they think of chips or cured meats. While those foods are delicious in their own right, as e-liquid, they’d be a niche product at best. Table salt is around 99% sodium chloride. Nicotine salts, however, are a naturally occurring product derived from tobacco leaves.

The science on this can get a bit complicated, so let’s keep this straightforward. In chemistry, salt is any substance produced by the reaction of an acid with a base. That’s the type of salt we’re dealing with here. To make nic salt, benzoic acid is combined with a nicotine base, and voilà, something magical happens.

Through the addition of benzoic acid, the naturally occurring salt found in tobacco leaf can produce a higher concentration form of nicotine, like 45-50mg/ml, that can be vaped without the throat harshness typically associated with concentrations of 18-24mg and above.

Now maybe you’re asking yourself what this benzoic acid is? Good question. It’s an approved and commonly used additive found in a range of household products and food preservatives. Additionally, it occurs naturally in plants, animals and fungus. Like the ingredients in all our juices, it’s approved for use by the regulatory bodies like the World Health Organization and is considered no more or no less safe than the freebase liquids we’re all familiar with.

To fully understand nicotine salts, we’ve got to take a trip back to the previous century and the work of a well-known cigarette manufacturing giant.

What Are Freebase E-Liquids?
Back in the 1960s, The Philip Morris Company had a problem. They wanted to reduce the tar and nicotine levels in their cigarettes, but maintain the nicotine strength that kept their customers coming back. While ammonia had been used on tobacco since the start of the century for various purposes like removing carcinogens or changing flavour profiles, it wasn’t until the 1960s that it began to be used to “freebase” the nicotine in cigarette smoke.

This “freebase” type of nicotine kept customers satisfied by providing a more powerful nicotine kick while simultaneously lowering reported tar and nicotine levels. Simply, this meant users could access more nicotine without increasing the amount of tobacco they smoked.

And so, the famous Marlboro cigarette was born. The brand became the world’s most popular — aka addictive — cigarette, and “freebase” nicotine became standard across the industry.

This freebase nicotine is still used today and will be familiar to vapers because of its use in traditional e-liquids, cigarettes, nicotine patches or gum.

However, now with the addition of benzoic acid, nic salt can achieve an even more significant nicotine kick by increasing the acidity of tobacco salt. Nicotine is harsh on the throat, which is where that punch many have grown to love comes from. But, if you lower the Ph level of nicotine by adding an acid, you can bring down that harshness, allowing vapers to smoke nicotine at higher concentrations.

Are Nic Salts better for Vaping?
What's the difference between Nic salts and ordinary Ejuice? Simply put, users report the vaping experience is superior. And for that, we have benzoic acid to thank for making three improvements over traditional freebase liquids.

Nic salt can be vaped at a lower temperature, which means low-wattage devices can pack a lot more punch. The lower heat requirements mean users don’t need sub-ohm coils. Higher resistance coils are excellent for mouth-to-lung (MTL) vaping and flavour.
Benzoic acid reduces the PH and alkaline levels in nicotine. Higher alkaline levels are responsible for the harsh throat hit you get from higher concentration liquids; vaping at this lower level allows a higher concentration of nicotine juice, which gives a superior mouth-to-lung MTL experience.
These chemical changes result in increased bioavailability of nicotine. This allows users to absorb nicotine more easily and more quickly. Reports suggest reduced nicotine cravings and an experience closer to the instant nicotine hit of a combustible cigarette.

To recap, a better hit, more nicotine, and a smoother taste. So, if you were wondering why the vaping public was trending towards nic salts over the last few years, you can probably put that mystery to bed.

Who Should Try Nic Salts?
Current Smokers
If you are a current smoker and you’ve unsuccessfully tried to quit smoking in the past by vaping, it was probably for one of these two reasons.

Vaping didn’t give you the same hit or satisfaction as combustible cigarettes.
The modern devices were too complicated and involved too much research.
Nicotine salt e-liquids can legitimately claim to have addressed both of these issues. As mentioned above, the increased bioavailability means nicotine gets into your blood system quicker, meaning users report a quicker and more satisfying hit closer to that of a cigarette.

Similarly, because nic salt can be burned at lower heats, this later generation of devices is considerably more straightforward — but without compromising taste. Now users don’t need to sign up for a PhD on wattage, coils, battery accessories and tanks to operate a device that gives you that satisfying sensation.

So if you, or someone you know, tried them in the past and weren’t satisfied, it might be time to revisit e-cigarettes and see how far they’ve come. Indeed, research from the Internal and Emergency Medical Journal suggests nic salts closely replicate the nicotine delivery process of combustible cigarettes, making them a great candidate for those trying to make the switch.

Seasoned Vapers
But of course, it’s not just new converts who are extolling the virtues of nic salts. Seasoned vapers have been casting aside their sub-ohm mods and embracing pod devices en masse. Again, this mostly comes down to a better taste and quicker hit, but there are a few other advantages to consider.

Why Do Vapers Love Nic Salts?
Some of other the benefits nic salt has over traditional freebase nicotine liquids are the following:

Because users get a better and quicker hit — burned at lower temperatures — they use considerably less juice. Less juice means savings from fewer trips online to fill your virtual shopping cart with e-liquid.

Discretion is the better part of valour. While it’s historically unclear if Falstaff from Shakespeare’s King Henry The Fourth vaped himself, he certainly has some wise words regarding cloud chasing in public. Sub-ohm devices produce big, thick clouds. When you're enjoying a drink in a beer garden with friends, not everyone is going to be as excited as you are by a swirling, billowing menthol flavour vapour. Nic salt can help you fly under the radar and towards a kinder, more considerate place.

Enhanced Portability
With manufacturers freed from making devices with the power (and battery life) for vaping through sub-ohm tanks, a new generation of sleeker, lighter and more portable devices has hit the market.

Mouth To Lung v Direct Lung Vaping
Some people swear by Direct to Lung (DTL). But if you’re looking for an experience closer to a cigarette, then Mouth to Lung (MTL) is the delivery method for you. Basically, you draw from your device, hold it for a moment in your mouth and then inhale. For many vapers, the trade-off for MTL used to be throat hit. But nic salts can give a satisfying hit because of their higher nicotine concentrations, meaning you don’t need a complicated device to get that feeling.

Are Nic Salts bad for you?
Can nic salts make you sick? They are no more or less safe than freebase e-liquids. Public Health England (PHE) has performed several studies over the years, including an independent evidence report in 2015 which found that “While vaping may not be 100% safe, most of the chemicals causing smoking-related disease are absent and the chemicals which are present pose limited danger.”

Additional research from 2017 and 2018 and PHE’s 2020 report have made similar findings suggesting vaping is a better option than combustible cigarettes and other nicotine replacement therapies when choosing to quit smoking.