The best SEO Strategy?

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SEO in 2014........

1) Focus on keyword phrase - make relevant keyword phrase
2) Alwayse post new and quality full content
3) Focuse on wordpress blog as well as blog sport
4) Make ppt and video of the site
5)Make infographice of the site. ..
1.having a good keyword rich domain name
2.having keywords in the meta <title> tags
3.having keywords in meta description tags
4. having keywords in the <h1> tags
5.having relevant keywords in the Page URL
6.Having relevant keywords in the page content
7.usage of alt attributes in images better prominence to keywords
9. having better proximity to related keywords
10. putting a site map ..
1) Keywords is relevant
2) Phrase your META title
3) Like unique Title and attractive
4) META Description is unique
5) H1 tag or H2 tag
6) Alt Image with keyword
7) XML Site map
8) Robots txt use
9) Use URL in keywords
10) META keywords is not compulsory used because of this keywords google not read.
11) Google webmaster tool
12) Check broken links
13) Put google analytic code etc..
Create a List of Keywords
Analyze Google's First Page
Identify Your Competitors
Create Something Different or Better
Add a Hook
Optimize For On-Page SEO
Optimize For Search Intent
Best SEO strategy

Relevant, long-tail keywords
In-depth, quality site content
Fast-loading website
User-focused design
Responsive design
Voice search optimization
Local SEO
SEO analytics
Continuous Improvement: Regularly update and optimize your website, create quality content, and adapt strategies based on changing search engine algorithms and user behavior.
If you want to rank your website on search engines first decide your target audience, and check the audience requirement. Select relevant keywords. Add keywords to your website. Solve all SEO on-page errors. Keep updating quality content. Your website should not contain any copied content. Use different websites to analyze your website. Like SEO quake, Moz, Semrush, etc.
Best SEO strategy

Focus on User Intent and E-A-T
Technical SEO Optimization
Content Marketing and Storytelling
Leveraging AI and Automation
Social Media and Community Building
Emerging Trends
Video and Visual Optimization
Technical SEO
Adapt to Search Engine Algorithm Changes
Measure and Analyze Results
Quality content
Improve user experience
Use relevant keywords
Optimization page speed
Use internal linking
Integrate Structured Data
Optimize Image Alts
Focus On Local SEO
Utilize Social Media
Set Up Schema Markup
Utilize Video Content
Sorting content on a website according to topics increases the possibility that it will show up in search results, and this process is known as an SEO strategy. To put it simply, it's the procedure you use to increase your chances of obtaining natural search engine traffic. Since it keeps you on course when producing material, it is crucial. With your plan, you'll make sure you provide material that people seek for rather than just producing what you believe they want to see.
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