The Batteries Myths thread


New member
So everyone must have probably heard many ways or tricks to increase your battieries life.
Which tricks do you have and which ones were just pure absurd myths?
I was previously told that you will need to completely drain your mobile phone's battery before you can plug it in. In the same manner that you are not supposed to tinker with your phone whilst it is being charged. This I have learned is absolute rocks since it has not affected my phone's battery life and performance. It is perfectly ok to charge your mobile phone when the alert comes on and use it as it is being charged.
yep, I always charged the battery whenever it seemed more appropriate, even when I had still some battery left.
And honestly I don't notice any lack of performance in the battery, it still lasts as long as when I bought it, 4 years ago..
I am speaking of a cellphone ofc.
Regarding laptop batteries mine lost some power but I wouldn't expect less from a 300$ laptop.
I think it should be a requirement by these device manufacturers to make phones that will last at least a full day with average usage. I'm not a power user by any means on my phone, I don't spend all day incessantly checking emails and facebook updates like some of my friends do, yet my batteries never make it through a day and often times won't even make it through half a day. If I leave my house at 6pm and go visit my friend, while I'm there within two hours my phone will be almost completely dead.
I don't know which phone you have, but that battery has a problem..
My Nokia 5800 can last around 2-3 days with average usage.
And I can spend a whole day listening to music non-stop and playing games/Checking facebook in the meanwhile.
If your phone can't last more than 1 day, your battery has a problem.
I think it should be a requirement by these device manufacturers to make phones that will last at least a full day with average usage. I'm not a power user by any means on my phone, I don't spend all day incessantly checking emails and facebook updates like some of my friends do, yet my batteries never make it through a day and often times won't even make it through half a day. If I leave my house at 6pm and go visit my friend, while I'm there within two hours my phone will be almost completely dead.

It definitely sounds like you have a battery problem. I have an old phone yet my battery last longer than that! If you don't mind me asking, what type of phone do you have?