The backlinks from Social Media are good for SEO ???

Well Social Media sites provides NOFOLLOW links which are not good for SEO because social media sites are not for creating back-link purpose. It is used for marketing or promotion of your website/product etc to drive traffic to your website. In other way, if you receive a lot of traffic through social media sites then it would be good for SEO as a lot of traffic will improve the rank of a website on search engine.
Apart from the popular social media sites like Facebook, twitter, YouTube etc, you can try social sites like social bookmarking sites. here you can create backlinks and they command lots of visitors traffic as well. examples of social bookmarking sites are tumblr, reddit, slashdot, folked, digg, stumbleupon and many others as well. you can do a research and check them out.
Yes, they are good for Business Or E-business. You can connect to many clients world wide. Maximum number of visitor check Companies social media page to check updates or any announcements. Its one of the Best platform to Expand the Business.