The Answer to All Web-Dev Problems


New member
Is it just me or has the amount of unqualified "web designers" increased drastically in the last decade? On any web design forum you can find posts by people that have some how sold web design jobs that don't have the slightest clue how the basic foundation works. There's people that don't know why the code they are using works (or doesn't) who rely on the people who reply to their panic-stricken posts for answers. As someone professionally trained and certified in web design I find this new phenomenon hilarious. Imagine trusting your company's web presence to the hands of someone who has no clue what they are doing. Following 10 tutorials from a kid in India on web design won't make you an expert, professional, or in a position to offer such a skilled trade to others for a price. As a business owner, when you come across these leeches offering to build a website for less, know that you will get what you pay for. Can you imagine hiring someone who says they're an electrician to wire your house knowing that they have only followed a few Youtube videos and have no license, qualifications, or real world experience aside from a Wordpress blog?

Next time you meet a "web designer" do yourself and the entire industry a favor: Ask them for qualifications and many examples.

I'm amazed by the patience of the professionals on here that tirelessly answer the same questions about why some basic html or css won't work.

Our design associates have degrees and certs. The answer to "Why doesn't my site work correctly" is: Get a degree and/or complete a professional certification course. Then you will know what you are doing and why.