Tarot Cards


New member
A friend of mine bought himself a tarot card and decided to learn it not to see the future but he said there is some mind play going on deep in the consciousness related to those cards. I’m not sure but it’s all pretty shady for me. What do you think?
In my opinion, there are extraordinary things that happen in the world constantly but we are just not aware of them yet. So I do believe that tarot cards and some other tools to reach those areas might be real and working, but I think it takes someone who is really in tune with these things to be able to execute them correctly. If your friend is someone who is deeply rooted in the supernatural, then I don't see why it wouldn't work.
I heard that Tarot card Readers can read your future through these cards but i have never give it try because i think the work you do is most important with your destiny. So do work hard and make your luck better.
Personally, I think they're a load of hooey. You could interpret them to mean anything to fit the circumstances. The only future you're improving is the one of the fortune teller you just paid.
Have you ever wondered how the fortune tellers actually know something about without you even telling them? And yes, that happens. They are trained in a way that only by reading your facial expression or tone they can actually guess what you feel. Just like a shrink or something. Make sure you believe in yourself and be open minded to everyone's beliefs (without respect there's nothing left)