Suggestion needed for VPN with many IP locations


New member
Hi everyone,
I hope this is right section to inquire about VPN. A little background, I have been using PureVPN for past 2 years (got their cheap deal). However, the issue is their some IP addresses are detected by proxy detection tool. Proxy Tools detection tools mean that tools which are backed by database and I know PureVPN cannot have control over them. Their service is however good and I do verify my ip location once I am connected to VPN.

What other options do I have? What VPN do you use? And what VPN provider's IPs wont be in proxy/VPN databases ?

Thank you in advance.
For me it was extremely hard to choose a VPN service provider. There is a ton of those out there and each provide some interesting features, also the pricing policy differs a lot. Ended up using vpn 360 and I am satisfied so far. You can read about vpn 360 for windows on planetx64. I am not sure that it will become a perfect one for you but it's worth being considered as an option so take a look. And generally speaking, doing a proper research really is important in this case. That's the only way to find a really suitable VPN.