Static Vs Dynamic websites - what's the difference?

Content on the Static Websites do not change , content on Dynamic websites keep getting added , modified edited with time . this could be user generated content like this forum. this forum is a dynamic website
A static site is one that is usually written in plain HTML and what is in the code of the page is what is displayed to the user. A dynamic site is one that is written using a server-side scripting language such as PHP, ASP, JSP, or Coldfusion.
A static website doesn't change. It's usually just a bunch of html, css, and possibly javascript files that are served by a simple webserver.

A dynamic website has a backend written in a language like PHP, Python, Ruby, Node.js, etc. These sites can take user input and change their content based on databases, external APIs, etc.
I will give you explanation between Static vs Dynamic Websites in different point of view.

Static Websites are those which are coded by html developers using latest coding HTML 5 and CSS3. So design which is in psd is converted to website which are hand coded in Html 5 and CSS3. Although you can also use php for website. But still it will be counted as static website.

You will require a web designer even you want to change images or add text on your website if you don't have any coding knowledge.

Dynamic Website are usually easy to manage without any coding knowledge. For example wordpress is a CMS, you can get unlimited themes for designing websites. You can also build beautiful website using divi drag and drop themes. Dynamic website can be managed by layman, so you don't need have any previous coding experience.
The static webpage is a site that is composed totally utilizing HTML. Every page is a different archive and there are no databases or outer records that are drawn upon.
Dynamic Web pages are fit for creating diverse substance for various companies from the same source code record. PHP, Javascript, or Action script used to make dynamic pages.