Splash Pages


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Splash Pages are used as introductory pages in some sites.
Splash Pages have heavy graphics and meant for attention-grabbing purposes only.
A splash page is an initial Web site page used to capture the user's attention for a short time as a promotion or lead-in to the site home page or to tell the user what kind of browser and other software they need to view the site.
With the advent of jQuery the Modal Popups have become much easier. That said, earlier we had some flash pages too. The sole purpose of these as mentioned above is to grab a visitors attention, but then, today, webmasters have come up with better ideas and display messages and special offers on such popups or even the so called splash pages - like maybe - download a free ebook or even buy a service or product for a discounted price. Some also collect emails from their visitors
The usability of a splash page is completely flawed. when readers come to your site to enter it and a splash page prevents that. So most of the readers avoid to read splash page content and don't like it.