Spending time on facebook and such


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How much time do you spend in social networks such as facebook, twitter and so on? What do you do there? Do you think the amount of time you spend there is good for you or maybe not enough? Leave your thoughts
I spend less than 5 minutes on Facebook and the rest of the social networks springing out nowadays.

I only check for updates on friends/families, making sure I don't miss out anything important.

Other than that, you are better off doing something productive with your time
I hate Facebook, Twitter is fairly boring. Tumblr is where the real stuff goes down, it's the best social networking website I've ever used which doesn't infringe your privacy! You can customize your own blog if you're a HTML knowledgeable. :)

I spend around 2+ hours a day on Tumblr, it's that much fun there.
Tumblr is completely different than the rest. But the thing that annoys me the most are the 12 y.o. little girls that run around seeking for attention, and believe me, they're everywhere!
I don't really access Facebook and Twitter accounts on a daily basis...I usually do it during my spare time only or if I'm idle, I check it on my phone. On the average, in a week, I would say that I access social networking sites for about an hour total in a month's time. All in all, I think this is pretty ok as it allows me to stay in touch with family and friends apart from keeping me updated on what's happening with them.
It's sad that it has come to this. Some time ago we used to go to our relatives' place in order to know how they were doing. Nowadays everyone's grandma has a facebook account. "Make sure you eat everything!!!!" - Angry grandmas' posts on their walls
I can spend hours on facebook chatting with people but I have a tendency to be reclusive so lately I'm trying not to spend as much time on there. I need to get out in the real world lol...The sad thing about facebook is that if you aren't careful it can kind of trick you into thinking you are really a part of people's lives when you really aren't. Seeing your friends post pics of their kids, events they go to, etc. makes you feel like you are connected to them but it's really the most passive form of connecting that you could possibly do. Seeing stuff on there and "liking" it isn't a good substitute for actually getting out and living.

As for twitter, I could take it or leave it. I think it's probably useful for businesses and stuff like that but I never really got into twitter.
I spend about an hour per day on social networks. Only 5 to 7 minutes of that time is for personal use. Most of my time is spent on LinkedIn since I get most of my leads from there. Most of my tweets and Facebook Page posts are setup in advance and delivered automatically.
I spend too much time on Facebook. I always gets sports updates in my news feed so I check it often. I'm also using Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube for marketing so I spend a lot of time doing that too.
I don't really check my facebook as often as I check my twitter. I just feel facebook is good for communication with friends and family, but a lot of people have moved on over to twitter. Which is why Facebook is coming out with their facebook home/android software.
I tend to not use those social networking service since all they bring is silly drama that's both unneeded and usually both parties faults.
I only spend as much time as is required for my business. I don't really participate in it much for personal use anymore because I feel like it wastes so much time. I'm not nearly interested enough about seeing pictures of other peoples' lives as much as I am interested in creating moments of my own. I only spend about 1 or 2 hours a day updating and replying to clients on facebook and not much more.
I spend maybe one hour total throughout the day on social networking. What do I do? I simply read what all my friends and family are saying about how their day went.
There was a time when I was addicted to Facebook, and when it was fairly new. A lot of friends and I were talking about it, we added eachother, and we posted frequent status updates and chatted on Facebook. Now, I tend to just visit it for 2-3 minutes, and exit the site. It doesn't really impact as much as before anymore which is pretty good since I was addicted to Facebook a few years ago.
I spend WAAAAAAAAAY too much time on Facebook, to the point where it is actually hurting my income. I have managed to reduce the time, but I could still do with reducing it even further.
I do not really like Facebook. So my focus has been with Twitter and places like Cafemom. I would say unless I am attending a Twitter party I am on them about 1 hour a day sometimes more. But not all at one time. I will get on and off up to and hour or so.
I used to spend a ton of time on social networking sites such as Facebook, but lately, I haven't. Mostly due to the fact that I know longer have the time for such things, but also because I suppose it's becoming rather dull now. It was great and everything when it first launched, but now it's becoming repitive. I don't think it can have that much of a negative impact on your life though, aside from the typical "spending too much time on the compute"r type of thing.