Speed Up WordPress with MANAGED WORDPRESS HOSTING - Hostripples


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Speed Up WordPress with managed Wordpress Hosting

If you are blogger or developer you will surly agree on my opinion that WordPress is one of fastest growing and great platform to build your own website. You will find lots of tutorial on how to boost or increase the loading speed of your website. I have been working on WordPress from many years and narrow down my experience while working on WordPress to make it faster than normal. Some of elements on this post might be discussed on the forums before but still wanted to get all points which I personally implemented and got massive response which helped my blog boost.

1. Start using Best framework/ Theme.
2. Use trusted Caching WordPress plugins
3. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN).
4. optimize your pages specially home page.
5. Optimize your Images.
6. Optimize database time to time.
7. Disable the Image hack(Hotlink protection) and leeching of content.
8. Use .htaccess to enable expires header to Static resources.
9. Add Lazy-load to your images.
10. Control the post on your home page and archives.
11. Disable Trackbacks and ping-backs.
12. Use Cloud-flare .
13. Get Static HTML instead of PHP when possible.
15. Enable Compression.
16. Choose a Best Web-Hosting

I have purposefully kept this point in last as when you understand all above points then only you will get the “choosing Best hosting provider” seriously. As all above points directly or indirectly suggest you to choose the hosting provider which support all these features. So till here you understand all and how you need to know how to find such hosting providers as lost of false promises can be done while purchasing it. I have also gone through lots of hosting provider and used them as try and error basis. Lots of provider do claim to serve with the MANAGED WORDPRESS HOSTING but they don’t, some of them don’t even know what is managed wordpress and how to deal with wordpress issues.
Its all matter of choice whether to follow the guide line or not, the reader may have their own opinion on it . All i have to list down my own experience and try to help to the new comers and stragglers.

Fully Managed Wordpress Hosting
- Hostripples