Special numerology calculation formula

Special numerology calculation formula
How to calculate numerology by name
Here's how to calculate numerology according to your name:

1. Get your full name, including middle name.
2. Convert each letter in your name to a number corresponding to that letter's position in the alphabet (A=1, B=2, ..., J=10, K=11, .. ., Z=26).
3. Add all the numbers together.
4. If the result is a multi-digit number, continue adding the digits together until only one digit remains.

Each number has its own meaning, such as:
Number 1 represents independence, creativity and leadership
Number 2 represents harmony, sympathy and cooperation
Number 3 represents creativity, optimism and communication

Does the theological number change if you change your name?
That's right, your theological number will change if you change your name. Here's why:

The theological number is calculated based on your own name. Each letter in the name corresponds to a certain number. When you change your name, the letters in the name also change, so the theological number changes accordingly.

Theological number reflects an individual's nature and personality, so it can change when you change your name. This helps you better understand yourself and your development over time.

So can I change my name to have a new numerology that suits my personality better?
You can change your name to have a new theological number that better suits your personality and development. You can consider whether that theological number reflects your true nature or not. If not, changing the name may be a good option.

Research the meanings of other theological numbers, find which number suits your personality, goals and development orientation. Choose a new name that has a positive meaning, symbolizing the qualities you want to develop or affirm.

Note that a name change not only affects theological numbers, but can also impact many other aspects of your life. Please consider carefully before deciding. It is important that you choose a name that you truly feel is suitable for you, not just based on the meaning of the theological number. Listen to your heart and intellect when making this decision.​


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