Social Media in SEO?

5 Things to Think About When Considering The Impact of Social on SEO
1. Social Links May or May Not Boost Your Search Rank
2. Social Media Profiles Rank in Search Engines
3. Social Media Channels Are Search Engines, Too
4. Not Now Doesn’t Mean Not Ever
5. Don’t Forget Bing
There is a close relation between social media and SEO. Social media marketing acts as one of the premium way to get organic results on the search engine and drive more customer engagement. When a business organization uses social media marketing into their SEO, brings a way to impact on their company’s ranking. Social shares act as a new form of link building, which is much preferable than the backlinks. Google+ integrates the social media and allows the company to link their content with their Google+ profile. This is the best way to get top rankings on search engines.
SMO is one of the parts of SEO, it is best increasing visitor. Social media optimization is all about exposing your website on social media channels like facebook, twitter, linkedin, g+; it's helps you in building good social media reputation which is considered by Google while ranking your website in search results.
For G+: Engagement (shares, +1s, etc) does affect rankings for those people who have your G+ page and search relevant content to what you are posting on your G+ page, if they are logged in and getting personalized results. Additionally, if you are logged in and getting personalized results, your network (pages you have in a circle) on G+ who have liked, shared, engaged with content also seems to rank higher on your SERP.

Additionally, there is a strong correlation between high engagement on FB and Twitter posts (comments, likes, shares RTs) and ranking....but there is no definitive causal link that I am aware of. If you create good content that does well in social media, it is probably being linked in other places, and therefore will rank well.