Simple SEO Minneapolis And Local SEO Tips


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The first step is to do keyword research and you want to target low competioin keywords, the don't have to be long tail keywords. Google Adwords tool is NOT the best tool to use for SEO Minneapolis purposes or SEO in general and any SEO who uses google Adwords tool for search SEO competioin is by no means a expert. Google Adwords tool is for ppc ads not SEO. Why would google who is a billion dollar business give SEOS a tool to use when they don't want people to rank easily they are not going to help you rank. Its a business it's not in their best interest.

You can use google Adwords tool for searching monthly searches that's fine and well but not for SEO competioin. You can use free online tools that offer free trials for SEO competition tools. And as I said aim for 38 or less out of 100 for SEO competioin and try to find keywords with 300-500 monthly searches a month.

Once you found keywords you need to do onpage SEO. Which is basically adding your keywords in your title, tags, description, and the page you want to rank. Don't not over stuff make it look natural and do not over optimize.

Once that is done you can find some youtube video for that step if your confused. Now you need off page optimization. And this part is quite hard and very time consuming but needs to be done correctly or else you have no chance. Both parts onpage and off page go hand and hand, without one or the other you have no chance to rank. This step is called backlink building and it is you writing high quality Web 2.0 blog of 500 words with yo keywords scattered through out. I optimized for the term SEO Minneapolis for example.

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