Seo tips and tricks to make your website indexed by Google


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Whenever a new website has created, probably everyone’s wishes would be that the people have to find it through Google search. But the process will take time to crawl and add the particular website in to an index page of Google or other search engines. So people will find a buy domain names or website only by the source called Search Engine, for that a website should be indexed by those Search engines especially Google because we know the importance of Google now-a-days.
There is also the possibility of rejection of a website by Google. If there is no enough work behind website to add it in to an index page, then it will not be show up in Google search or on any other Search engines (Obviously if it is not on Google Search).
Google does not index all the web pages that are created. By evaluating an actions and purpose of the web pages, Google work on to index the page. To improvise that actions and purpose of the web pages we have to put effort and know how to make it happen.
Make sure that you have high traffic website, because each and every page of a website is important. The time taken to index your website or page depends on variety of factors.
Google involves Googlebot, Crawling and Indexing to make all the process happen. Googlebot is software that allowed searching for a newly added information, document, website or web page, etc.., into a Google’s searchable index. Crawling is the process where Googlebot goes around the internet to find newly added one and report it to the Google. And finally Indexing is the process happen by the gathered information. Google checks Information such as title tags and ALT attributes during Indexing. Once the information is processed then it will added in to the Google’s Index page.
Important steps to be noticed while doing SEO service
Concentrate more on below mentioned points through which one can easily make their website or webpage to be identified by Googlebot.
Sitemap Creation: A sitemap is nothing but an XML document on your own website’s server which contains all the pages (deep links) of your website. This will help search engine to crawl a new updates on a website.
Once you created a sitemap, and then submit it into the Google’s webmaster tool. Add your site into webmaster tools and go to Optimization > Sitemaps and add the link to webmaster tool through which Google will notify it.
Quality Content: Create a unique content for your web page. Concentrate more while writing content for web hosting company, web hosting Service Company, Domain name server hosting company and all since there is more competition on this type of industries. Duplicate content will mark your site as a spammer then.
Build Incoming Links: Incoming link is nothing but the visitors who visits your page. Google will also trace the incoming links, from where they are coming and also the qualities of the source link. This will help with the page rank. If the rank of your page is higher, the time taken to index a website will get decreased.
Avoid Images with the text and session IDs: Google crawler doesn’t recognize the text that is present inside the images and session IDs, so add text instead of images for better result and avoid session IDs.
Updated social profiles: The best way to get more links is only by social networking profiles for your website. Updated profiles includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Youtube will also help Google to crawl your site easily.
Bookmarking and Directory submission: Submit your website link and deep links in to more number of directory sites and valuable book marking sites like StumbleUpon. This process will help you to increase traffic of your website.
These are the main areas to focus on to get indexed by search engine like Google, yahoo, etc.., Paying attention to these simple things will help to achieve a big difference in the traffic of your site.