SEO Techniques That Works In 2013


New member
Most of people in SEO field know that most of the techniques we used to apply to our websites to gain good traffic and rankings does not work any more. I want to discuss with EWD Forum members about the techniques they think still work in 2013 and continue to work in future too.
Social bookmarking is gaining steam as an SEO method that works. Creating quality content is also good. Using blogs to create backlinks is a great technique as well, specifically places like Tumblr and Blogger. Posting comments on relevant blogs is still good, but be sure they are high-quality and have a decent page rank.
Whatever the changes in search engine ranking algorithms, there will always be some SEO techniques which will be effective. The most obvious thing, of course, is content. What's not so obvious is the need for the content to be focussed. Very often, being fixated on keywords makes us lose sight of the woods for the trees. Always remember that human visitors come to the site not to read keywords. They come to read the content. And not just any old content. It has to be content that is focussed on the information that they are looking for. For example, if they come to the site looking for something like, say, black leather shoes, then they expect to read about black leather shoes and not, say, about singers who wear black leather shoes.
Niche Directory Submission, Classified Posting, Social Bookmarking, Article writing & submission, Infographic submission, Podcast submission and Video Marketing, all are good techniques and still drive better results in 2013.
Hello friends. for me the best methods are guest posting, Facebook fanpages and tweets. Moreover, forum and blog posting can add more value to link profile.
Hello everyone ........

Google Panda updates revolve around thin content sites that provide less articles, and more ads for their users. Do you feel like these one page advert filled sites don’t deserve to appear on the first page of Google? I think alike. 2013 is said to be the year of high quality content-packed sites. With great content, you won’t be forced to overly optimize your page, which is another issue that might trigger Google to give you a warning...
I don't think link building is dead. The whole web is built on links. But I do think that you have to work a lot slower and more methodically these days. You can't just go and dump a whole pile of links, or articles .... or anything, and expect to rank well. I just finished reviewing some of Matt Cutts remarks on how small Business can do really well in Google. I think slow and steady wins the race.

You can still do all the things you used to do. Articles, links, etc. You just have to create better quality link profiles and content. And that's good news for all of us if it makes for a better internet.
Only build quality links to your sites, stay away from spammy links (linked directly to your money site). You can use the spammy links to power up the quality links that you build.
SEO techniques always remain same whether it is 2014 or 2013. Use of techniques and priority has changed these days. Previously we do directory submission and social bookmarking in bulk and get good rank, but is counting as spam now-a-days. Also Google is appreciating quality over quantity. The demand of content marketing increases and Google is now giving equal worth to social media channel's preferences and recommendations. So key of success in SEO is use each technique equally and create link in your niche under Google guidelines. you can also hire experts from SEOclerks.
Although the techniques remain the same in due time, google gave the SEOs one or two blows on the head by updating the Panda and introducing the Penguin algorithms. they optimised the engine only with minor changes, but those affected the SEOs in a hard way. the SEOs level of activeness became a bit more restricted. And for Digital Marketing singapore and other places, it effected pretty badly. it is also said that a new hummingbird algorithm is introduced, which enhances the search quality.