SEO optimize your site for six tips


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  SEO optimize your site for six tips

  First impressions are important, and the home page is what most potential customers see when they visit the site.

  High quality homepage can increase sales, so you should carefully set up every component of your website.

  1. The title

  The main title of your website is actually the title of your website, and it may also be the first thing visitors will see.

  Generally, the title of the homepage contains up to six to 12 words.

  While six to 12 words doesn‘t seem to be a lot, the title does make the most important part of the site’s homepage.

  In fact, a marketing study suggests that good headlines can increase your conversion rate by 10.4%.

  2. Good

  While you can attract more potential customers by compelling headlines, you need to show them the benefits of a product or service if you want to keep them.

  While it‘s important to show the functionality of the product, your customers also want to know why your product is valuable to them.

  In addition, they want to know why you should buy your product, not other similar products.

  Therefore, you need to clearly list the features of the product and help visitors to determine why they need to purchase these products and services.

  3. User behavior call

  If a customer is aware of the functionality of the product and finds no simple and obvious way to buy it, then the customer may be dissatisfied.

  Some sites find it almost impossible to find a phone number or even buy a product.

  Picture 4.

  In today’s Internet world, the importance of pictures cannot be ignored.

  People are more responsive to images than longer texts, and adding large chunks of text to your home page will make visitors feel uncomfortable.

  Achieve success with your customers

  You can look at this from this perspective: when prospective customers visit your site, they want to look for reasons not to buy your product.

  They want to find reasons to leave the site instead of spending money on your site.

  You should build trust with your customers as soon as possible to eliminate any doubts that may exist in their minds.

  Keep it simple

  You should make sure your homepage looks pleasing to the eye.

  You can add all of the above elements on the web, but if your home page is still in use with the style of the late 90 s, and can‘t reflect you are a professional and modern company, then your website will not be able to succeed.

  A simple and easy to operate home page is just as important as providing meaningful content.