SEO off pge activities

SEO on pge and Off page activities


Keyword Research: Research on what keywords can be targeted for the site.
Keyword Finalisation: To come up with the final list of keywords which we will target on the website.
Competitor Analysis: Competitor analysis on what keywords the competitors are using.
URL Analysis: Check if the URLS are search engine friendly.
Site Structure Check: Check if the site is structured is correct and the flow of information is in the correct direction.
Checking Keyword Density: Check the overall density of the keywords on the site.
XML Sitemap Creation: Creation of XML site map
Google Webmaster Tools Accounts Setup and Registration: Creating a Google Webmaster Account and submission of XML Sitemap so that the complete site can be indexed with Google.
Fetch as Google: Individually Submitting pages which are not indexed with Google.
Google Local / Maps Registration: Creating a Google Local / Map account to submit the site.
Google+ Account Creation: Create Google Plus account. Google Analytic Setup: Review of Google Analytic account.
Mobile Website: Landing Page for mobile websites. Enquiry Form Check: Check if the Enquiry form is working fine.
Mobile Site Compatibility: Check if the site works with Smart Phones and Tables
Broken Link Check: Check for any broken links on the site.
404 Error: Check if page not found on the site is returning a 404 error.
Spelling Check: Spelling Check on the complete website
Grammar Check: Check for any grammatical mistakes Site Speed Check: Check if the site is taking too much time to download.
Orphaned Pages: To make sure every page on your website is linked to from another page. A spider won’t be able to find orphaned pages.
Content Crawling and Indexing: Check if the content on the site is being crawled and indexed properly.
Synonyms: Use of Synonyms on the site to get better results in ranking.
Landing Pages: Finalising which keywords will be targeted on the current website and if new content pages are required to target more keywords.
Few off-page SEO techniques are-

1.Video creation & submission.
2.Web 2.0.
4.Blog posting.
5.Social bookmarking.
6.Press release.
7.Info-graphics creation & submission.
8.Forum posting.
10.Article submission.
SEO offpage techniques are as follows
forum postings
social bookmarking
image sharing
video creation
ppt submission
SEO on pge and Off page activities


Keyword Research: Research on what keywords can be targeted for the site.
Keyword Finalisation: To come up with the final list of keywords which we will target on the website.
Competitor Analysis: Competitor analysis on what keywords the competitors are using.
URL Analysis: Check if the URLS are search engine friendly.
Site Structure Check: Check if the site is structured is correct and the flow of information is in the correct direction.
Checking Keyword Density: Check the overall density of the keywords on the site.
XML Sitemap Creation: Creation of XML site map
Google Webmaster Tools Accounts Setup and Registration: Creating a Google Webmaster Account and submission of XML Sitemap so that the complete site can be indexed with Google.
Fetch as Google: Individually Submitting pages which are not indexed with Google.
Google Local / Maps Registration: Creating a Google Local / Map account to submit the site.
Google+ Account Creation: Create Google Plus account. Google Analytic Setup: Review of Google Analytic account.
Mobile Website: Landing Page for mobile websites. Enquiry Form Check: Check if the Enquiry form is working fine.
Mobile Site Compatibility: Check if the site works with Smart Phones and Tables
Broken Link Check: Check for any broken links on the site.
404 Error: Check if page not found on the site is returning a 404 error.
Spelling Check: Spelling Check on the complete website
Grammar Check: Check for any grammatical mistakes Site Speed Check: Check if the site is taking too much time to download.
Orphaned Pages: To make sure every page on your website is linked to from another page. A spider won’t be able to find orphaned pages.
Content Crawling and Indexing: Check if the content on the site is being crawled and indexed properly.
Synonyms: Use of Synonyms on the site to get better results in ranking.
Landing Pages: Finalising which keywords will be targeted on the current website and if new content pages are required to target more keywords.

it is a complete and comprehensive detail of SEO i recommand
SEO offpage activities are as follows
forum postings
social bookmarking
image sharing
video sharing
ppt submission
SEO on pge and Off page activities


Keyword Research: Research on what keywords can be targeted for the site.
Keyword Finalisation: To come up with the final list of keywords which we will target on the website.
Competitor Analysis: Competitor analysis on what keywords the competitors are using.
URL Analysis: Check if the URLS are search engine friendly.
Site Structure Check: Check if the site is structured is correct and the flow of information is in the correct direction.
Checking Keyword Density: Check the overall density of the keywords on the site.
XML Sitemap Creation: Creation of XML site map
Google Webmaster Tools Accounts Setup and Registration: Creating a Google Webmaster Account and submission of XML Sitemap so that the complete site can be indexed with Google.
Fetch as Google: Individually Submitting pages which are not indexed with Google.
Google Local / Maps Registration: Creating a Google Local / Map account to submit the site.
Google+ Account Creation: Create Google Plus account. Google Analytic Setup: Review of Google Analytic account.
Mobile Website: Landing Page for mobile websites. Enquiry Form Check: Check if the Enquiry form is working fine.
Mobile Site Compatibility: Check if the site works with Smart Phones and Tables
Broken Link Check: Check for any broken links on the site.
404 Error: Check if page not found on the site is returning a 404 error.
Spelling Check: Spelling Check on the complete website
Grammar Check: Check for any grammatical mistakes Site Speed Check: Check if the site is taking too much time to download.
Orphaned Pages: To make sure every page on your website is linked to from another page. A spider won’t be able to find orphaned pages.
Content Crawling and Indexing: Check if the content on the site is being crawled and indexed properly.
Synonyms: Use of Synonyms on the site to get better results in ranking.
Landing Pages: Finalising which keywords will be targeted on the current website and if new content pages are required to target more keywords.

all information is very useful for ONPAGE optimization but here we discuss about offpage optimization.