SEO Minneapolis Pagerank Tips


New member
Many people say wordpress and and tumblr and google plus are pagerank 8-9 backlinks, the reality is they are not. Those homepage a are high pagerank site but your new page is pagerank 0. Any SEO Minneapolis who doesn't know this or any SEO in general is clearly not a expert in SEO. As we know those Web 2.0 sites are ok to get things going but if you plan to outdo the competioin with just those type of back-links your deluded. I have seen people also write blogs that don't make much sense or forums posts and they just slip thier keywords in and by making the keyword a anchor text. Making your keyword as a anchor text is fine for some blog posts or forum posts but too many will get your site will get your site removed from google, and when I say too many I mean not more then 5 posts. I know because my site was removed with more then this.

Also, you people do relize google can read what you type and post, right? Its not just a stupid machine that has no idea what is being typed as long as its text, it does know what we are typing and typing blogs that make no sense and just slipping your keywords in is not going to help your website in the short term or long term.

My next post will be about indexing backlinks. You can know what I am talking about as I am ranked for the term SEO Minneapolis and I am on page 2 for the term Minneapolis SEO. Plus I shall optimize my course to a keyword that gets 30,000 monthly searches so that should let you know I am a expert in my tips.
visit my site for more information.
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