SEO and Yahoo


New member
My site does perform quite well in google and for many terms its coming in first 2 pages. On the other hand i do not receive much traffic from yahoo search engine. I am trying to do a research into this and want to know that how is SEO for yahoo and google different. The reason for my concern is that i studied a report on a website that yahoo search share is around 15% and if this is true than 15 % of my organic traffic must be from Yahoo but infact only 2- 3 percent of my website traffic is coming to yahoo.
What should i do to bring my website on top results of yahoo. Is SEO for yahoo different than SEO for other search engines and what are the factors that yahoo search engine considers important to give more importance website.
In my opinion the SEO of sort of same for every search engine. Infact one should not concentrate on SEO much as it is the job of the search engines to find the content and rank it accordingly. As a webmaster the website owners should concentrate on quality of the website and few basic principles like good design and enough text explaining the services or whatever content their website may provide. Yahoo SEO there fore should not be much different than Seo for Google or SEO for bing as a matter of fact.
SEO stands on the search engine optimization. Improve the ranking with the daily posts. Get the better ranking with the unique and fresh content posts on the all activities. All search engines are best for the website ranking.
Seo and yahoo that is not good yahoo Question answering is good printable increment but google is better for seo purpose maximum person use google search engine.
