SEO And Hosting Location


New member
Do let me know what the other members of the forum think about the effects of hosting a website in a country and SERPs in that country. For example if a website is hosted in UK will it be possible to attain good ranking for this particular in USA or other countries.

Do let me know what is your take on this situation.
In my opinion hosting location, not much effected in ranking or traffic, but extension effects like your website is form uk and you book domain .uk, then it is helpful in ranking in geo-location area. Google webmaster tool also provide you geo-location setting option.
I think it's a combination of your web host, your TLD as well as any location information listed on your site itself. Many small businesses may go with hosting companies that are clear across the country from their actual locations, for example - so the address listed on their site as well as the language used on it will have more of an impact. If you are using a location specific TLD, that can also take some precedence as well when the engines are determining what locations your site is relevant to.

You are also at the mercy of people filtering their search results to only target certain languages and countries. There is nothing you can really do to force your site to show up for these audiences as the controls are on their end.
the closer the web servers are (geographically) to the site visitors, the quicker the pages will load because the greater distance between the web servers and the site visitors often results in more nodes for data to pass through.