Search Engine Optimization Tips 2017


New member
Search Engine Optimization always changing, Its getting advanced day by day. From 2014 to 2016, SEO has changed alot. Today I would love to share SEO Tips you should have to follow in 2017 to stay on the top of gooogle:

1 - Internal Linking(Onpage SEO)
Avoid internal link building with Keyword rich anchor text. You have to change or Split that to make it more organic.

2 - Link Profile (Offpage SEO)
Dont always run after Doffollow links, Keep a mixed ratio of Dofollow and Nodofollow links in your link profile, It will keep your link profile Natural in the eyes of google.

3 - Link Anchor Text (Offpage SEO)
For Inbound links Never always use Keywords Links Anchor, You have to keep the ratio like:
20% Keywords Rich Links
40% Brand Anchor or plain URL link
40% Organic Anchor, such as, Click here, Visit website, etc.

4 - Content Optimization (Onpage SEO)
Work on content optimization for each landing page you are going to target, never target a lot of keywords on One page, but always go for LSI terms. Keep your content rich and Never forget to use media in that.
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