Role of quality contents

Method one is simply to create your own well researched, relevant and unique content or pay someone else to create it.
Start marketing your book, and gain fans with a vested interest in seeing your book succeed. Set up a lead generating landing page, and ask your prospects to choose from 2 or 3 book covers. Use the cover that gets the most votes.
Content is very important for SEO and retaining visitors.
For SEO: If your content is good then Search Engines will give your keywords a higher rank.
For Visitors: If your content quality is good, then your visitors will definitely return for more.

Personally, when I see a site in search results that use to have quality content then I will prefer visiting it for what I'm searching for.

I believe quality content is backbone to any web site. If a site start loosing quality of what it delivers, then it means the site is going to loose both visitors and rank in Search Engine.
One of the key ingredients of effective material marketing is ‘quality’, and this is something that the present trend is assisting carry more interest to, especially thanks to the effect of public networking and the big growth of programs it’s now possible to promote across.
ontent marketing is everyone’s favourite hot new digital marketing phrase right now, yet the truth is that while the label has grown in popularity, the notion that content marketing is anything new isn’t quite correct.

What the imaginary senior executive above doesn’t realise is that his company has actually been making content for years. It just hasn’t been called as such until recently.
Role of quality contents:
1. People will understand your message better
2. Lower bounce rate
3. More trust
4. More (social media) attention
=> Quality content leads to higher ranking and higher conversions
The role of quality content is as important as the heartbeat for being alive. The moment our heart gets stop is the moment we are gone. In the same way, when it comes to the Search Engine Optimization, then quality content is the main element to keep the site alive and to put the spirit in it.
To decorate your site with every other element but not to have unique and quality content is as you're shrouding. So think about it.
However, content matters, but one thing that really important is how google estimate the quality. And you should understand that google robots deal with this and there are a lot of tips you have to know.