RHEL vs CentOS


New member
Please tell me which version of Linux is good for learning and then using it on PCs and Laptops. I have heard that CentOS is completely free and it have approximately all the features of RHEL than why do people purchase RHEL. Please let me know if some body know the reason that people and organizations are using RHEL.

Another thing I would like to know is that how come CentOS is offering free versions and who support and sponsor CentOS that it can provide free versions.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Rhel), which is the higher-close more hearty form of Fedora. They're very much alike in manifestation and workings, the major distinctions being:

- the expense of backing

- the equipment confinements (Rhel underpins more processors and bigger Ram sums)

- the programming quality confirmation (Rhel utilization "up2date"; Fedora utilizes "yum")

Centos - Community Server Os is dependent upon the Rhel base code, as opposed to the Fedora stuff, so delights in the solidness and power offered by Rhel however fails to offer the speed of Fedora overhauls, (for example most recent glimmer, media players, and so forth).