Research In Motion Changes Its Name to BlackBerry


New member
I just came to know that RIM has changed it name and now they re branded them and would be called Blackberry. I do not know what can be the motivation or reason behind this decision for such an old an established manufacturer. What do you think will Research in Motion achieve through this change in its name and is there any importance of this decision as far as business is concerned or is it just an emotional thing or decision.

Tell me if you can think of any logic behind this name change decision because i tried to think of but.... thats why asking you guys here on this forum.
not entirely sure why they would feel the need to change their name. I havent been keeping up to much lately. I used to work at a cellphone company and when I worked there we were right in the middle of blackberry pulling quite a few phones from the lineup as well as laying off employees, and shutting down stores. I was always under the impression that they were slowly crashing and burning but I guess they redeemed themselves. I think that they probably changed their name to revamp them as a company since a lot of people jumped ship and didnt really take them seriously anymore, but who knows..
Based on previous experience, companies normally change their name in order to change their identity or "rebrand" themselves in order to create a whole new image. In this case, I think that RIM has found themselves too vulnerable with all the not so nice things that have been happening to their company hence the need to change their image. At the same time, with the release of the Z10 and the various departures in the company, there was a need to disassociate from the old company profile and create a new one. I have a feeling this has something to do with their stocks as well.
Yeah, it's all about changing and re-branding their image. They do this so people will see the development and want to try out the company. It's probably a marketing tool.
I actually like the name change. Research in Motion (RIM) is a bit of a crazy name and really doesn't describe what the company does. It maybe a bit of a late. I really hope that Blackberry can pull themselves back from the brink of extinction.