Questions you can ask your Magento Development Agency

Mark Richard

New member
Great business gets kick starts with a strong bond and trust with the partnership. choosing right Magento eCommerce agency is a bit difficult task and here are the top few questions to ask before you start a project with them.

1. Are they full-service Firm?

Magento development agency should have a dedicated team for development, testing, networking etc in order to complete the diverse task at ease of time.

2. Size Of Your Magento eCommerce agency Team?

do they really have enough amount of team for the respective task and are they highly skilled certified professions? it's recommended to have the high number of strength in a team.

3. Do they list the previous achievement?

Client testimonial is the one speaks about the work you made. it's good to mention your clients' testimonial in your website in order to strengthen the trust value.

4. Project Management Technique?

Agile.. agile.. agile is the only way

5. Average project completion period?

Keeping up and maintaining the exacted promised time for project completion helps to build a relationship with your client.

6. Are the accredited Magento partners?

magento has a various partnership and banking one will show the ability and capability of the firm. being Magento partners agency will help you increase the trust with the firm.